Next race in February at the new Old 17 HO Club on the 8thfor T-Jet, TFX and MT-XT on Saturday, Sunday the 9th a NON-MASCAR points race for Old 17 HO Club, for the Super Stock and MegaG+ class!


MASCAR videos by Tom Bowman

Store logoNew as of 5-6-23 : MASCAR Store for branded merchandise!

8M -Super Stock, SpecJet, SpecRacer - Bill Litt - 1-18-25

7B -T-Jet, TFX/MT-XT - Cliff Henke - 12-14-24

6M -Super Stock, SpecJet, SpecRacer - Ray & Kayla - 11-16-24

5B -T-Jet, TFX/MT-XT - Ron Brna - 11-2-24

4M -Super Stock, Mega G+, Mod - Heath Allen - 10-19-24

3B -T-Jet, TFX - Joey Cassiba - 10-5-24

2M -Super Stock, Mega G+, SpecJet - Bill Litt - 9-21-24

1B -T-Jet, TFX/MT-XT/SpecJet - Ron Brna - 9-7-24

MASCAR Points are awarded in the following manner, 2 points for attending the event, 2 points for winning the round-robin, 50 points for winning the event. Points then go down by 2 for each place, i.e. 2nd 48, 3rd 46, 4th 44, etc. There is one drop for each class, BeachJet and Magnet class. If a race is dropped, the driver retains the 2 points for attending.

M.A.S.C.A.R. Overall Point Championship

M.A.S.C.A.R. Beach-Jet Class Point Championship

M.A.S.C.A.R. Super Stock Class Point Championship

M.A.S.C.A.R Tracks

M.A.S.C.A.R. Schedule

M.A.S.C.A.R. Rules

The MASCAR Mega G+ Rules

Club Race Results - prior seasons


Development of the Magnet Car, by Tom Bowman

Alpine Run: the movie for your entertainment!

Tuning The DASH car by Richard Dumas

Tuning The Pancake Part 1 by Paul Shoemaker

Tuning The Pancake Part 2 by Paul Shoemaker

Tuning T-Jets by Rich Dumas

Team brp's year in racing - 1978

Team brp's year in racing - 2001

Tom Bowman's HO Racing Web Spot

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MASCAR on Facebook

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MASCAR Current 2024-2025 Membership List

1Tom Bowman2002
2Bill Litt2019
3Cliff Henke2011
4Steve Jones2002
5Vern Dew2002
6Joey Cassiba2004
7Ron Brna2003
8Heath Allen2018
9Mark Smith2002
10Shawn Molter2002
11Vince Battisto2006
12Don Soltow2002
13Ray Etheridge2002
14Kayla Etheridge2021

MASCAR, a HOPRA affiliated Club