A race report by Tom Bowman

MT/XT Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1Tom Bowman93.07 laps
2Jeff Crabtree84.44 laps
3Bubba Milholen80.03 laps
4Mike Ose76.29 laps
5Ray Etheridge61.02 laps
6Marshall Tucker51.00 laps

BeachJet Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1Bubba Milholen86.29 laps
2ray Etheridge82.18 laps
3Tom Bowman81.53 laps
4Mike Ose79.09 laps
5Jeff Crabtree77.55 laps
6Marshall Tucker59.59 laps

The One Stop Slot Shop Podium, thanks Jerry!

The On-Slot Podium, thanks Shawn!

and Special Thanks to Robby Whiteed, for making the podium, with his routing mastery!

BeachJet Mains - 3.5 minutes

1Ray Etheridge125.14 laps
2Tom Bowman121.02 laps
3Bubba Milholen120.40 laps
4Mike Ose114.59 laps
5Jeff Crabtree106.61 laps
6Marshall Tucker94.33 laps

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