A race report by Tom Bowman

Sponsored by HO Slot Carz, thanks for the Santa's Belly donuts, Tom!

MT/XT Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1James Kennedy84.31 laps
2Tom Bowman84.08 laps
3Jeff Crabtree76.10 laps
4Ray Etheridge75.24 laps
5vernon Dew75.20 laps
6John Smith68.31 laps
7Cliff Henke68.04 laps
8Lewis Wuori67.19 laps
9Nelson Torrey61.08 laps
10Dwayne Burrow59.02 laps

BeachJet Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1Ray Etheridge78.22 laps
2James Kennedy77.03 laps
3Tom Bowman76.02 laps
4Vernon Dew75.08 laps
5Jeff Crabtree72.03 laps
6Lewis Wuori71.08 laps
7John Smith70.08 laps
8Nelson Torrey65.14 laps
9Cliff Henke64.10 laps
10Dwayne Burrow61.31 laps

The One Stop Slot Shop Podium, thanks Jerry!

BeachJet Mains - 3.5 minutes

1Ray Etheridge110.05 laps
2Tom Bowman108.19+ laps
3James Kennedy108.19 laps
4Jeff Crabtree107.15 laps
5Vernon Dew102.03 laps
6Lewis Wuori101.22 laps
7John Smith101.01 laps
8Nelson Torrey95.20 laps
9Cliff Henke89.22 laps
10Dwayne Burrow87.20 laps

Race stat sheets, requires Adobe Acrobat!

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