A race report by Tom Bowman

MT/XT Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1Tom Bowman71.14 laps
2Vernon Dew67.33 laps
3Ray Etheridge62.31 laps
4Ron Brna58.31 laps
5Don Pope52.51 laps
6Jeff crabtree52.08 laps
7Lewis Wuori50.22 laps
8Cliff Henke42.07 laps

BeachJet Round Robin - 2.5 minutes

1Ray Etheridge72.27 laps
2Jeff Crabtree71.16laps
3Lewis Wuori69.20 laps
4Tom Bowman68.46 laps
5Vernon Dew66.52 laps
6Don Pope63.23 laps
7Cliff Henke59.16 laps
8Ron Brna58.33 laps

The Bat-Jet Podium, thanks Tom!

The One Stop Slot Shop Podium, thanks Jerry!

The On-Slot Podium, thanks Shawn!

and Special Thanks to Robby Whiteed, for making the podium, with his routing mastery!

BeachJet Mains - 3.5 minutes

1Ray Etheridge103.05 laps
2Tom Bowman98.37 laps
3Jeff Crabtree98.05 laps
4Vernon Dew93.55 laps
5Lewis Wuori92.33 laps
6Ron Brna87.37 laps
7Don Pope86.11 laps
8Cliff Henke83.26 laps

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