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Gallery of customer Bat-Jet bodies

Kevin Browning Ford Fusion!

Bill Kurtz Capri!

Hiram Durant's Viper!

Slot Shot's Charger!

Bill Kurtz's Charger!

Matthew Patrick's Charger!



Every month or so he would email me and we would go back and forth trying to get his order right. We would email sometimes 6-8 times a day. He always answered immediately. He would keep adding things and changing things until it was perfect. The he would ask me to wait until the end of the month before he would pay. At first it was troubling, but then Tom and I got used to it. See Marv lived in Canada. He lived alone and he lived in a wheelchair. He loved slot cars but always raced alone. He had a limited income that arrived at the end of each month. He had no family, and he had few friends. I got emailing him about wanting a car that would act like a real D2 drifter for me and my boys. He mentioned that he worked with Ron Bernstein of RiggenHO. He said a Riggen will drift exactly like you want it too. With sili-sponge tires how could this be? He assured me it was true. He personally built me a car and discounted all the parts, probably at his expense. It arrived with a broken guide pin. I had to wait longer to try it out. He sent a replacement for free. The car did exactly like he said but was noisy. It just wasn't meshing right. I emailed him again to see if he could help me fix it. This time he didn't answer back. I tried one more time. Still no answer. I must have offended him. I felt terrible. I apologized if I sounded accusational. Still no reply. I let it go. I had no way to get a hold of him. I figured he would contact me sometime when he was ready. Then I had a terrible thought. My pal Dennis and I talk all the time. I brought the story up to him and he knew somebody who worked for RiggenHO that might know Marv. I wrote him yesterday. He responded today. Halfway through the first line my heart sank. Marv Miller had died. I never got thank him the way I wanted to for what he did for me. He must have passed right after sending me his gift. Thank You Marv. I will cherish it. As this happened a little while ago I missed the Miller Memorial LE car that RiggenHO named in honor of Marv. They sold out unfortunately. There is some good writing about Marv and the car on the page. Marv's Riggen


marv miller's NASCARZ Chevy!

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